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Flood Damage – We Are Here To Help And What Else You Need To Know

We Are Here To Help And What Else You Need To Know

The rain has been unprecedented and Vancouver has found itself marooned. Bridges washed out, rail lines underwater, and communities around Vancouver and the lower mainland facing evacuations or lugging sandbags to stave off flooding in homes and businesses. The financial damage is estimated to be catastrophic; in Abbotsford alone, the price tag thus far is roughly $1 billion.

Floodwaters will eventually recede and it’s vital that homeowners have a damage control plan in place for when that time comes. We are a Vancouver-based residential and commercial painting and contracting company that has solid experience in repairing water damage. Let us help guide you along with a few important steps you need to know about.

The Big Picture

The big picture is that you’re safe. Dealing with the fallout will be stressful but these steps will help bring some order to the chaos and give you some control. So, where to begin?

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Your Insurance Company Wants To Hear From You

If you have flood insurance, this is the first call you’ll want to make. They are going to be swamped so be prepared for a reasonable wait for an adjuster to come out and take a look. In the meantime, you can begin cleanup and taking photos of everything before, during, and after. Snap photos of the walls to demonstrate how high the water has been. Be meticulous because this helps your adjuster! In addition to photos, make sure you document every conversation you have with your insurance company, repair people, and anyone you come in contact with during this time.

Find out if you are in a zone that has been officially declared a disaster zone. When the government makes this kind of declaration, numerous resources become available to you the home or business owner.

Safety First!

Structures that have flooded present some dangers so make sure you tread carefully. Water and electricity are a deadly combination so turn off the power before entering a building. If you’re unsure how to do this safely, call a professional. Never enter a building until you’ve been cleared to do so.

Standing water tends to be a breeding ground for bacteria and murky water makes it almost impossible to see submerged debris so wear sturdy rubber boots and gloves to protect yourself.

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Everything Is Soaked! Where Do I Start?

Time is of the essence in the effort to dry out a home or business and there are a few things that you can do to get the process started while waiting for professional help.

Soaked rugs can be pulled up and off the floors. Fold up tinfoil and place it between the wood legs of furniture and carpets. Take stock of what can be saved and what can’t. Remember, take photos of everything if you have insurance.

You can start to sop up the water with buckets, mops, sump pumps, and wet-dry vacuums. Using a dehumidifier and floor fans is also really helpful.

Successfully Waging War With Mold

After roughly 24 hours mold can begin to grow which means that beginning the drying out process as soon as it’s safe to do so is important. Move deliberately and carefully as you pull up rugs and shift belongings around to avoid disturbing mold spores. Take a careful inventory of places where you either see mold or suspect it is going to grow.

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Will Drying Out And Repairing Take Forever?

The answer is no, even though it doesn’t feel like it. You can count on the drying out process to take about three days, depending on a few factors like the severity of the water damage and the size of the home or commercial building. Then, on average, it will be anywhere from one to three weeks for repairs. Again, the time required depends entirely on the scope of the repairs. But one thing is for sure – you will be able to move back in safely!

What Else Do I Need To Know

The Canadian government has an excellent Get Prepared checklist, along with other resources, for homeowners who have experienced flooding. It covers what we’ve just outlined as well as other points to consider about food storage, medicine, clothing, and other really helpful hints.

Call A Professional

It is a sound idea to call a professional contractor like us after a flood. We have the experience to mitigate mold damage and undertake the repairs that will make your home or commercial space like new again. If you have any questions or would like to schedule an appointment for a free quote, please contact us. We will be honored to help you restore the place you love.

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