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Painting your front door

When you meet a person and they smile at you, they are telling you that they are warm and friendly. You feel good in their presence. In a sense, your front door is like that smile and it’s a good idea to pause and consider the message it’s sending to folks who come calling. The front door is your home’s first impression and painting it is one of the most important things you can do.

We can all remember having that one spooky house in our Vancouver neighborhood and the important childhood rite of passage to run up and knock on the front door. Everything about the place was scary but it was that door that was the portal to whatever horrors our vivid and childish imaginations could conjure. The door in every scary movie is dark, weather-beaten, damaged in some way, and has debris like leaves and decaying flower pots littered around it.

In this article, we’ll give you some ideas on how to make your front door inviting and appealing.

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painting your front door

Hire A Professional Residential Painting Contractor

Painting front doors can be a bit tricky and we recommend hiring professional residential painting contractors such as us. We guarantee that proper prep and masking work takes place before the painting begins, which ensures a beautiful finish. Doing this work protects the areas around the door and keeps everything clean.

Clean And Simple Is Good

Your front door doesn’t have to be a complicated work of art – a simple, plain door that is painted properly and in an inviting color is wonderful. Seasonal decorations like a wreath can be nice but be careful that the paint doesn’t get damaged. If your door is exposed to rain or snow, decorations can be points where moisture will collect and ever-present moisture can lead to wood rot.

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What Color Should I Paint?

Choose a color that contrasts nicely with the body of your house and its trim. You want the door to catch a person’s eye positively. If you’re looking to make a bold statement and your house is white or leans toward neutral colors, think about navy blue, black, dark green, bright yellow, or red. The science of color psychology suggests that yellow doors tell visitors that the homeowner is a happy, outgoing person, with a contagiously bright view of the world. People who are passionate about their families, homes, or careers often choose red for their doors. Blue doors tend to be the choice of versatile individuals 

What Kind of Paint?

As tempting as it is, don’t look for leftover paint that you may have after painting the inside of your house. Your front door is subject to the weather and all the busy people in your family who are coming and going. We will help you choose a good quality exterior gloss or semi-gloss paint that will stand up to weather, minimize dirt buildup, highlight your home’s architectural features, and stand up to nicks and scratches.

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Keep It Clean

Front doors funnel almost all of the traffic in and out of your home. Children push on them. Dogs paw at them. And when your hands are full, you’ll often use your body to leverage them open or closed. Your door can get dirty quickly just from daily life and we highly recommend regular cleaning to help your new paint job to last longer.

Increasing Curb Appeal

If you’re getting ready to put your home on the market and want to attract potential buyers, increase your curb appeal with a freshly painted front door. Let it be the smile that says;

“This is the home that you will be happy and comfortable in.”

Call us today to talk about painting and arrange for a free quote!

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