

Affordable, Craftsmanship, Quality

Hiring a Professional Painting Contractor is the Best Idea

Doing it Right

Burrard and 16th Ave. exterior painting

Remember how shiny and new your house looked when you first moved in? Over the years you have created some wonderful memories, but as you look around, you think that your home could really use a fresh coat of paint. There was the day your toddler found a stray permanent marker many years ago and “decorated” the wall. The quick cover-up you did was fine, but now his old “art” is bleeding through the patchwork. Then came the teen years when posters were taped to bedroom walls. Sunlight streaming through the dining room window has faded the paint on the other side of the room. And of course, your old dog was once a rambunctious puppy that chewed around the baseboards.

It is time to paint, and you are wondering if you can do the job yourself.

The answer is, yes, you can. However, do not run down to the home improvement store just yet because there are a few great reasons why hiring a professional painter is a much better idea than a DIY project. 

A June 28 2021

Using a 34′ ladder is no easy task and could be dangerous for those who are not familiar with properly setting up a ladder.

Professional painters are skilled craftspeople who have put in hundreds of hours learning from other skilled journeyman. They know how to apply paint cleanly, leaving no unsightly lines or floating debris on the walls and the high quality of their work is long-lasting.

There is a lot more to painting a house than buying some brushes and rollers. Professionals understand the scope of the project and know how to do the job quickly. If you choose to do the painting, you will have to balance this with work, family, chores, and all the other things that keep you busy. The job will take significantly longer than you think and entail a lot more work than you may have bargained for. A professional eliminates the stress.

Professional painters arrive on the job with all the tools they need – caulk, patching tools, furniture covers, tape, and spraying tools. This amounts to significant savings for you because you do not have to purchase these things or try to re-sell them once the painting is done.

Exterior spray painting to achieve the best finish possible on any exterior painting job.

If you are thinking about doing the job yourself, you will need to consider how comfortable you are climbing ladders or scaffolding and working in difficult weather conditions. Professionals have been trained in the best safety practices and can reach even the most difficult nooks and greatest heights that may be giving you pause.

And finally, professional painters do the work correctly the first time. On the outside chance that an error is made, they can quickly correct it on their dime. Results are guaranteed and they clean up your house when they are done! Please contact us for your painting needs. We would be delighted to discuss your project with you, and we offer free quotes.

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