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Time to freshen up your home

Time To Freshen Up Your Home

As the winter months come to a close, the colors and sights of spring begin to emerge, bringing sunshine and flowers. Your home may not live up to its former glory, maybe the paint is fading, or the trim is rotting. Perhaps the winter was hard on it, or maybe the fresh new colors of neighboring houses and spring flowers have caused you to realize that your home needs a little attention. We will discuss a few popular renovation ideas, including paint and repairs to bring your home back to life.

Kitchen renovation

The age-old saying that every realtor uses is kitchens and bathrooms sell homes. Whether this is true or not, it still lends to the fact that your kitchen is a massive statement of your home. Maybe you have never realized it, but the kitchen is always one of the rooms you notice when you are in someone else’s home. Why not make sure the kitchen in your home is up to par and ready to entertain all of your guests.

When you think of a kitchen renovation, you may get nervous about the mess, being forced to eat out for weeks or months, and the people constantly coming in and out of your home. But what if I told you, it does not have to be like that. You can completely change the look of your kitchen with a much simpler process.

Doing things as simple as having a professional painting company come and paint your cabinets a bright color, paint the walls a bold shade, and changing out your hardware and fixtures will ultimately turn the look of your kitchen around. It could go from an outdated kitchen to a chic new useable space.

Kitchen renovation
Bathroom remodel

Bathroom remodel

Why stop at the kitchen when talking about the age-old adage? The bathroom is just as important and easy to put a whole new spin on. With a few critical paint color choices, and some new light fixtures and hardware, you will have an entirely new-looking bathroom. You can be proud to tell your guests where the bathroom is when you know it has been freshly renovated.

Finishing a space

Maybe this is the year you will finally finish that basement or attic space you have talked about doing for so long. Well, what better time than spring. It is the beginning of a new season, the beginning of your next project, and the beginning of you having a new space.

It will be exciting to watch as the electrical is finished and the drywall gets done, but the fascinating part is the paint. Once you finally see the pros begin to paint the walls, you get to see the space come together. You can truly begin to envision what your life will look like while in that space. And not only that, but it means that you are getting close to being done with the project. Even though we all love the finished product, it is a joyful realization to know that the construction part of the project is almost at completion.

Bathroom remodel
freshen up your home

Paint everything

Do we have all seen how drastically a fresh coat of paint can improve the look of a room, so why not paint the rest of your home? You could call in a professional company, pick out your paint colors, and have them do all of the hard work. You will be able to sit back and watch as your home is transformed from the same old colors to fresh new colors that will accent your current design themes.

What about the outside of your home? When was the last time it was painted? And has it seen better days? It is spring. You are beginning to manicure your lawn and plant all of the

beautiful flowers in your flower beds. Do not let the aged paint of your home exterior detract from the beauty of the rest of your property. Call in the professionals and have them spruce up the outside of your home to its former glory.

Window treatments

What better way to kick off the new decorations after having your home painted inside and out than getting new window treatments. Window treatments can set the feel of a room almost as much as the paint color itself. When you walk into a room, you will notice the window treatments, whether intentionally or not. If they are long flowing lacey curtains or Venetian blinds, it will immediately contribute to your opinion of the room.

Depending on what room you are putting the window treatments in and what paint color you have chosen will help you determine which window treatment type you should go with. If you have light-colored walls with large open windows, then a light and airy window treatment may be what you want.

Window treatments
outside renovations

Outside renovations

If you are a very social family, then maybe you want to spend your renovation budget outside so that you can entertain guests under the stars. Perhaps some deck repairs or some grilling or outdoor kitchen components will be added. These are all great options that will undoubtedly bring your friends running to try out the new setups. But it is not enough to build something. You need to make sure that it is painted or sealed.

What is left

What’s left is that you need to start calling the professionals to get your home revitalized for the warm season. When you are looking at doing a large project such as painting the exterior of your home, a large portion of the inside of your home, or cabinets, then you will want to utilize a professional company like us at Argenta Painting. We make sure that your job is completed and that it is completed to the best quality possible. Painting requires a large amount of prep work and expertise to ensure that it will last for many years to come. If you are looking for painting experts, carpentry repair, or renovation ideas, contact us today at Argenta Painting and Freshen Up Your Home.

Call A Professional

It is a sound idea to call a professional contractor like us after a flood. We have the experience to mitigate mold damage and undertake the repairs that will make your home or commercial space like new again. If you have any questions or would like to schedule an appointment for a free quote, please contact us. We will be honored to help you restore the place you love.

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