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Dryfall Paint – Great For Vancouver’s Commercial And Industrial Businesses!

Dryfall Paint - Great For Vancouver’s Commercial And Industrial Businesses!

It’s happened. You’ve finally taken a break from your busy Vancouver business, tilted back in the chair you rarely have a moment to sit down in, look upwards, and think, “I have to get this ceiling painted.” And then you groan as you wonder about interruptions to business and lost revenue, lingering, unpleasant paint odors, and the cost of having the job done. Don’t despair, because as your Vancouver commercial painting company, we have great news for you!

Paint companies listened to your concerns and developed dryfall paint. This product, which comes in acrylic, alkyd, and epoxy formulations, has safe additives that cause any overspray (extra paint that doesn’t adhere to the surface) to dry to dust before they hit the ground.

Now, we need to stop you before you grab a cup of coffee and warm up the business van for a trip to the hardware store. Dryfall paint was designed to be sprayed on and is best applied by commercial painting contractors. But there are several benefits for you as a customer, so let’s take a look at what those are.

dryfall paint Commercial And Industrial Businesses
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The Wonderful Magic Of Light Colors

Smart business people understand that it’s important to create positive environments and one of the easiest ways to do this is through the use of paint. Light colors create a sense of openness and make a space appear larger than it really is. Dryfall is a highly reflective paint, that will also reduce the number of light fixtures and wattage that your business uses.

Using Dryfall Makes The Job Go Faster

The speed at which this paint dries vs the time it takes conventional paints to do the same thing is pretty remarkable. It’s simply faster to spray paint with drywall and that translates into savings for you, the business owner. Our professional commercial painting team can do the job quickly and that means business disruptions are avoided. Dryfall paint also requires minimal preparation compared to traditional paints and less time on our end is dollars saved on yours!

Clean-up With The Wave Of A Vacuum

Dryfall dust is easy to clean up with the push of a broom or a pass with a vacuum. We remove the plastic we’ve laid down and then ensure your floors, machinery, and equipment are ready for work.

dryfall care protection paint process

So Easy To Maintain

Dryfall’s smooth finish is almost impossible for dust to adhere to it. Areas that have been painted with this product will require very little maintenance making it ideal for high traffic areas and warehouses where dust is often the name of the game despite the best efforts of the janitorial crew.

Paint Smells Be Gone!

Dryfall paint is virtually odor-free. Your employees and customers aren’t subjected to hazardous, lingering smells.

Sticky Situation

Professionally and properly applied dryfall can last up to 10 years. It is self-priming, has been designed to adhere well to various surfaces, and one coat application is often enough. It can’t get better than that!

Free Quote

If you have any questions or would like a free quote, please give us a call. You will find that people have great things to say about us when you search Vancouver painting company reviews! We are looking forward to talking to you.

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